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Art | Hotel Belvedere
Exhibition: Bea Sutter and Hans Germann

From August 2024 to November 2025, the two artists Bea Sutter and Hans Germann will be exhibiting their works at the Hotel Belvedere. Discover the exciting and diverse artworks.

Art | Engadiner Boutique-Hotel GuardaVal
Chris S - Landscapes and abstract paintings

Exhibition from 3 December 2023 - The artist Chris S paints what she feels and not what she sees. Her inner glow, which she experiences when painting, is underlined by her expressive and colour-oriented painting.

Art | Engadiner Boutique-Hotel GuardaVal
Exhibition CreaArt - Art meets tradition

«Sgraffiti» is the name of the handicraft that adorns the Engadine houses and contributes to the unmistakable charm of the villagescape. Sgraffito art originated in the mid-17th century and can still be found in Engadine villages today.

Art | Hotel Belvedere Chasa Nova

The NairsLab in the middle of Scuol, directly opposite the Hotel Belvedere, is a temporary studio and a kind of dependence of the artists' house in Tarasp Nairs.